Artist: Shari MacFarlane
There is another dawn
daring our sight
it takes nothing from the turn
of the earth and sun
this red rises
from soles to bones
leaving the layers
of doing what’s done
we know the compromise
and, yes, give it it’s time
don’t grieve, a must
feeds children, builds a house,
eases decisions, buys choice
but now creeps into idle hands
insists the making of must to life
leave the last of night’s romance
leave skill, leave sleep
steal away with indigo, the violent
requirements of quest, of fire
see with me
the defiance of sea
this is the rage, the riot
the surface and depth
of the who deprived
see with me
the dawn
feel the red rising
the gold of new time
hungry, starving
for attention, attendance
to be
this turn takes nothing
from the earth and sun
it waits for us to ask,
arms wide to a wider sky
to beg, drenched to the bone
to know,
this is the day to be born