From “Behold HERstory” Exhibit at Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Rockville, Rockville, MD.
A few people knew, family, a few friends….i needed them to know. Over the last three years, more. I wasn’t working any more, no dire career consequences. And people were kind, so I was open…usually, comfortable….enough.
But March 9th is coming.
And I am bipolar. And maybe worse, I am a poet.
March 9, the Rowan University Concert Choir will sing ‘Open Minds,’ ten songs, 40 minutes inviting the audience into the experiences of people with mental health challenges. What is it to be manic, how does a downward spiral start, and deepen? The wonders of medicine, the miracle of forgiveness. I wrote the text, I will be Out. Oh, so out.
There will be more people in the audience than have ever seen my work in total, over 40 years. And next Oct., our goal is to invite choirs across the country to sing our final song and use it as a door to talking about mental health, before the next tragedy. Imagine if it helps someone, if a song could reach someone lost.
I am Out.
This is what Out can do.