for Emily
you are three decades away
and not mine to claim
and yet, and so, let me love you with this
greedy, with hunger and only later with care
slap the words down on any page that will have them
have a place to write, but write anyplace
collecting scraps of interesting paper and time
and hording them as the prizes they are
read what argues
a different shape of the world
let words insist you, change you,
twirl your own notion of whole
so you know
what your words might do
when true
unfocus your eyes
and see what your dreams
left waiting for just this moment
see your voice form in its own place and descend
write for joy, for pain
for the practice of holding the pen
as it forms letters from will
for setting keys to their brightest dance
believe in the truth of your life
erase the edges drawn around it
and push life wide
put your face to the wind knowing
it will not slow
but will sing to you, around you
of you
if you insist its attention
be a poet of life
even without another captured word
live sheltered by nothing but intent
wish, learn and love in great gulps
mourn til your heart cries clean
stride through, but stop often
to stretch those talented fingers
into leaving a loving note
for your soul