a comment–
maybe off-hand,
maybe not,
but measured to appropriate
given the situation.
he names her attractive
and she keeps it,
like a pretty stone—
not irreplaceable
but unique,
something to put in a pocket.
and she’s thought
the other side through
without an end.
what name would she give him?
a little gift of course;
she knows to measure
her importance.
but the choice
seems limited
to much handled words
that skim the surface;
while she’s searching
unbounded by skin.
he is charming.
a good word
for intensity under a smile
that breaks often;
starting in one corner,
stopping only
when it gathers her in.
it’s the smile of a little boy
come with me
it isn’t far and I’ll show you where;
come on, let’s go.
it is a good word
and she settles into it
wondering if, given the situation,
that is what he means
to be
or what he simply is?
she gives into is, remembering
the care in his eyes.
there’s a piece of joy there
that reaches through him.
she knows it is his true gift,
and not merely his practice.
he tosses into the couch
like it’s the end of the day
and gives her
perhaps a little thing
but magic–
a charm to put in a pocket
and carry home.