The winner of the Vienna Art’s Society’s Annual Photography Exhibit “The Human Condition,” is not only a photographer: Deborah Kennedy, who runs Artspeaks and took home first place for her photo “Gone,” accompanies her photographs with poems. “When people see my photographs they look at the picutre, read the poem, and look at the picture… [read more]
Press and News
Birnbaum Volunteer Award
Bruce H. Birnbaum Award to Deborah Kennedy for her volunteer service above and beyond the call of duty. The award reads: “For more than 20 years, UUCF and its Worship and Arts programs have benefited from Deborah Kennedy’s love and vision. Deborah was an early Lay Minister for Worship and Arts, sang in the Chorale and… [read more]
ARTspeaks–Let me give you a wall
May, 2017 — Blog Post for Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Fairfax, expanding the mission of the art space ARTspeaks. What do you believe? We throw big questions at our kids all the time, let’s challenge the slogans, mess with the easy perceptions. But as adults, I think we tend to self-select our ‘big questions,’ in… [read more]